9 years and up Four 55 minute classes Cost: $45/student
I've been teaching theatre since 1996 and have produced countless shows with cast after cast. There are a few basic lessons that every new actor must learn before they are ready to audition for a play and receive a script. This class will cover those basic lessons.
In this class students will learn the basics of creating a character for stage. They will experiment with finding character voices, body movements and consider stories and emotions behind character motivations. It is a first step to performing on a stage.
Class #1: Variety in Voice
This class is all about using the voice to find a character. Experimenting with high/slow, fast/slow and accent is a good way to start. All exercises are with teacher modeling and mimic so students will feel comfortable (basically, I'm so silly that no one worries about looking silly themselves!). Each student will choose a monologue from the ones listed in "Materials" to perform on Day #3 or Day #4. Their assignment this day will be to find a voice for the character.
Class #2: Body Consciousness
Mostly this class will be learning to use one's body to convey a character. How does this person walk? What do they do with their hands? How would they stand/sit/move, etc? I also will talk some about body consciousness on stage and basic stage manners like cheating out, not upstaging and how to always be seen. The assignment on this day will be to choose body movements and a walk for their character
Class #3: Emotion and Story in a Character
By this class most students are ready to experiment a bit with creating a character. We'll talk about how we FEEL when we're a particular character and we will add a story to explain who the character is. Half the students will have an opportunity to perform their monologue.
Class #4: Presenting the Monologue with Voice, Body, and Emotion Monologue Options:
WIZARD OF OZ (four options)
Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? Well, I'm a little muddled. The Munchkins called me because a new witch has just dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the East. And there's the house, and here you are, and that's all..that's left of the Wicked Witch of the East. And so what the Munchkins want to know...is, are you a good witch, or a bad witch?
(Optional Song:
Come out, come out, wherever you are
And meet the young lady who fell from a star.
She fell from the sky, she fell very far.
And Kansas she says is the name of the star.)
Put 'em up! Put 'em..up! Which one of you first? I'll fight you both together if you want! I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. I'll fight you standing on one foot. I'll fight you with my eyes closed. Oh --pulling an axe on me, eh? Sneaking up on me, eh? Why! (snarls) Oh, scared, huh? Afraid, huh? How long can you stay fresh in that can?(laughs) Come on -- get up and fight, you shivering junk yard! Put your hands up, you lop-sided bag of hay!
Going so soon? I wouldn't..hear of it. Why, my little party's just beginning!
That's right. Don't hurt them right away. We'll let..them think about it a little, first! How does it feel...my little visitor? Can you imagine what I'm going to do to you? How about a little fire, Scarecrow? Ohhh -- you cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh -- what a world -- what a world! Who would havethought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!? Ohhh! Look out! Look out! I'm melting!
Oh, dear -- that's too wonderful to be true! Oh, it's -- it's going to be so hard to say goodbye. I love you all, too. Goodbye, Tin Man. Oh, don't cry. You'll rust so dreadfully. Here -- here's your oil-can. Goodbye. Oh -- Goodbye, Lion. You know, I know it isn't right, but I'm going to miss the way you used to holler for help before you found your courage. Scarecrow, I think I'll miss you most of all. I'm ready now. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.
ALICE IN WONDERLAND (three options)
That’s it, Dinah! If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see? Oh, but you would! You’d be just like people, Dinah, and all the other animals too. (Optional singing: Why, in my world… Cats and rabbits, would reside in fancy little houses, and be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers. In a world of my own. )
Alice: Of all the silly nonsense, this is the stupidest tea party I’ve ever been to in all my life. Well, I’ve had enough nonsense. I’m going home. Straight home. That rabbit. Who cares where he’s going anyway. Why, if it hadn’t been for him I… ‘Tulgey Wood’… Hmm, curious. I don’t remember this. Now let me see… Oh! Uh, no no, please. No more nonsense. Now, if I came this way, I should go back this way! Goodness. When I get home I shall write a book about this place… If I- if I ever do get home…
Queen of Hearts:
Queen: Hum... Who’s been painting my roses red? Who’s been painting my roses red? Who dares to taint, with vulgar paint, the royal flower bed? For painting my roses red, someone will lose his head!
The Deuce you say?
That’s enough! Off with their heads!
And who is this? Why, it’s a little girl. Look up, speak nicely, and don’t twiddle your fingers! Turn out your toes. Curtsey. Open your mouth a little wider, and always say ‘yes, your majesty’! Hmhmhmhm. Now, um, where do you come from, and where are you going?
Mr Salt
Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. My employees were dropping like flies. Paper cuts everywhere. You know, some of them were getting gangrene in untreated cuts, and dying on the job? I don’t like to laugh, but it’s funny. Well, ironic more than funny. British humour, you know. Finally, I found her a ticket.
Daddy, I want a squirrel. Get me one of those squirrels. I want one. All I’ve got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny
rabbits and two parakeets and two canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster! I want a squirrel! I don’t want any old squirrel. I want a trained squirrel. Mommy… If you won’t get me a squirrel, I’ll get one myself.
What? Ooh, yeah. It’s very beautiful. Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. The waterfall is most important. It churns the chocolate, mixes it up. By the way, no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear children. You can take that to the bank! People, those pipes suck up the chocolate, and carry it away, all over the factory. Thousands of gallons an hour. Yeah! Do you like my meadow? Please have a blade of grass, please do. It’s so delectable and so darn good looking!